Maker History: How the Thirty Houses came to be
250 Makers landed on Earth soon after the Churn.
200 eventually starved or were eaten by Churn.
120 Makers survived by burrowing underground
and formed their own fortresses.
Makers are physically weak but they have other powers. One of them is that they can create Puffies.
2. Makers aren't the only creatures who can create life. Churns can also create their own Churn creatures, intelligent lifeforms that are often caught and tamed by Puffies.
3. Makers can even capture very weak Churns and use them to replicate things they've found.
4. As the fortresses of most Makers are hidden underground, it is nearly impossible to find out what has happened to a Maker house if they do not reach out themselves. A maker could be dead and the only way to find out would be if a Puffy reached out to another House.
5. When a Maker doed reach out, they communicate via these mysterious messengers called Neural Rabbids but 20 0f the 50 Neural Rabbids have fallen silent in the last century.
5. Only 30 Houses communicate regularly. 70 have fallen silent.
6. The remaining 30 makers meet yearly at the Maker Faire.
Violence erupts at the Maker Faire
After the death of the Maker Mansickler, many puffies have vanished and some houses have collapsed. The story of Puffy Nation is the story of the Makers who control these thirty houses.
Some Maker Facts
Makers do not have families nor children. Instead, their own bodies eventually break down and reassemble into a new body but the new body has no memories.
This reincarnation is called a PHOENIX. The previous Maker is referred to as the ASH.
Surprisingly, Phoenixes and Ashes do not always resemble one another physically.
Many Makers believe that Churns could somehow be modified to create Maker children but most attempts have resulted in gruesome mutations or death. They still try though. And some experiment with themselves. And some experiment with Puffies.
Chapter 2 - Traps, meeting New Species, fighting Churn, Making Pets and camping
7100 are generated and 8 are are nongenerated (ie. Rares).
You can identify the Rares because they have no numbers.All art is hand drawn by HELEN CHO.
No art was outsourced because....i give a shit.
Timeline 2 — Exodus--Puffies on the Run & Meeting other Species
There are a total of 7108 puffies. Each puffy belongs to one of eight Exodus maker Houses.
The Exodus Timeline is concerned with tales of escaping Puffies, usually from one of the eight Maker houses that have self destructed or the Maker has vanished or set them free. These puffies, for the most part, have not reached Starfish: they're out in the wilderness of the Overground with no protective Maker Fortress.
In short, Exodus Puffies have each other but no one else backing them. They can create alliances with the small O-Head colonies, tame Churn creatures and possibly even negotiate with the Bridge people. But most importantly, they need to find a way to Starfish. How?
First, they must brave the Overground, contact a Puffy in the Overground Railroad.
They may encounter some or all of the species that live in the Overground: Churn creatures they may tame and keep as Pets, O-Heads (Churn transmogrified Humans), Wakers (Pre-Churn Humans who have managed to break out of Hard boxes) and Bridge & Boat Humans (descendants of survivors of the Churn) and, lastly, the mysterious Wild Puffies who seem to be doing just fine in the Overground without a Maker to heal them. All of these creatures may know something about Starfish. Or they may not be at all reliable.
These puffies are most likely to have story seeds where they entangle with --#Wild Puffies --#human tribes --#O Heads (Churn mutated humans locked in Hardboxes for a couple of centuries and thus living artifacts of preChurn life and technology) and taming churn pets. Click on your House to go to the seeds and introduce your character!
(this is where you will add your story seeds)
Orphan Afreet >>
Et Tu Agamemmnon >>
Hording Abacus >>
Smoke Aridien >>
Sam Nom >>
Deadwater Peng >>
Wing Lack >>
Engineer Ada>>
MINT YOUR EXODUS PUFFY HERE (mint accepts MATIC and Credit card)
BUY YOUR EXODUS PUFFY HERE (openseas accepts MATIC and ETH) << this is if you want to see your puffy first or select a specific House.
STARFISH is the smallest Puffy Collection with only 7 houses. Why so few puffies? Because getting to Starfish is hard. All the puffies of Mansickler's brood were supposed to be guides but they were iced when Mansickler was assassinated at the Maker Faire.
Timeline 3 — Life at Starfish
Mansickler established a vast semi underwater lair called Starfish. He sent the puffies he saved to Starfish. The puffies who live at Starfish are establishing their own free colony and welcome any puffies who come to them through the Overground Railroad. The puffies rescued by Mansickler have been altered for deep sea life. This is so they would be safe from any pursuers.
There are now seven houses of puffies at the Starfish Haven colony. Some puffies are actually wild puffies who may or may not have been made by Makers long extinct or even replicated by Churn.
Rescue Missions
Overground Railroad The Starfish community has also send out several puffies to scout for escapees and maintain contact with the guerillas of the Puffy Liberation Army.
Stance towards Makers
Unlike the Puffy Liberation Front, Starfish are not committed to overthrowing Makers.
They are of two minds: One group is completely dedicating to keeping Starfish as secret as possible and separating from Makers. Another group feels Makers and Puffies are symbiotic and that Mansickler’s Phoenix is the key to their salvation as they are sure that the Phoenix will help them solve many of the issues that are facing them currently such as regeneration and fertility. They are willing to protect Phoenixes of Makers who promise not to hurt or enslave puffies.
Mansickler's Brood
Some of the Starfish puffies hold the opinion that Mansickler’s Brood actually have the key to finding the Phoenix and that each of them holds some vestige of Mansickler himself.
However, no one is clear why he sent out each and every of his own creations to the other Makers where they could be damaged or even killed.
As all of Mansicker's Brood have been iced or destroyed, no Puffy really knows what is going on with them or where they are.
Starfish inhabitants
The puffies who managed to get to Starfish have been waterproofed either by Mansickler or by one of Mansickler's Brood.
Story seeds for Starfish fall broadly into three categories:
1. These puffies are dedicated to helping more reach Starfish
2. Several groups feel they should keep Mansickler's promise to save his Brood
3. Those finding Mansickler's Phoenix (reincarnated Maker child)
Hyena Escher >>
Assassin Est >>
Engineer Ada >>
Enk the Survivor >>
Merchant Amanot >>
Fire Noot >>
Persephone >>
MINT YOUR STARFISH PUFFY HERE (mint accepts MATIC and Credit card)
BUY YOUR STARFISH PUFFY HERE (openseas accepts MATIC & ETH) << this is if you want to see your puffy first or select a specific House.
900 Exodus Puffies
Maker Afreet was killed barely out of childhood when his Phoenix was badly wounded by an Assassin.
The culprits are unknown, but the Afreet Phoenix and the puffies went into hiding.
The puffies were afraid of heading to Starfish as they would probably not welcome the phoenix of any Maker other than Mansickler. After all, Starfish is a puffy haven: a maker might betray its location.
In their search for a new home, the band of puffies come across a small O-Head colony that is being terrorized by an enormous Churn creature. The o heads had tried to fight back, but had failed miserably.
The Phoenix and puffies decide to take on the churn creature and manage to tame it, saving the colony in the process. And this is where they decide to hide.
Have a story idea for the House of Afreet? Well make sure it goes well with the existing story for this house.
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Here are the Story Seeds for House Afreet Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
OA Story Seed #1: Immortal O-Heads
A Puffy claiming to be a member from House Mansickler comes knocking to Maker Weather Rak's fortress in the skies. Once inside the puffy sets fire to a small room and is thrown out. House Mansickler is notified by Neural Rabbid of this misdeed but Mansickler's Rabbid does not answer. Later on, a confirmation arrives that no messenger was sent.
The next morning, maker Afreet is found dead. His Phoenix reassembles over the course of a week but remembers nothing of how it was killed. The Phoenix is also in very poor health.
The puffies decide the best thing to do is go to Starfish, Phoenix in tow. They get in contact with the Overground Railroad but once they start on their journey they realize they've been doublecrossed again.
It is then that they meet their first O-Head who leads them to the O-Head colony.
(O-Heads are mutated human beings from pre-Churn days that are hatched from bubbles in the Churn called Hard Boxes) This O Head says they've discovered the secret to immortality and that they should all go to the colony to keep safe.....are they friend or foe?
Get your Afreet EXO Puffy on the case!
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950 Exodus Puffies
Maker Agamemnon always had a keen eye for innovation. He was the first to request that Mansickler waterproof all his puffies and he was also an avid collector of Mansickler's Brood.
But this Maker also was the first to claim that Mansickler had been cheating him out of sales by selling inferior products. One night, five Makers banded together and ambushed Mansickler as he left the Maker Faire. They killed him with their own puffies and took his belongings.
Agamemnon was one of those Makers, and he quickly realized that he had made a mistake. The other four Makers were constantly quarreling among themselves, and difficult to control. Agamemnon knew that he would be next if he didn't take action, so one night he snuck up on them while they were asleep and attempted to slay them with his own puffies. They escaped. But days later, his own puffies killed him in his sleep.
Have a story idea for the House of Agamemnon? Make sure it goes well with the existing story for this house by reading the official story seeds first!
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Here are the Story Seeds for House Agamemnon Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
A puffy fell into a churn and began yelling for help but no one was near. The puffy felt a stirring inside it and suddenly, it was spit out of the churn. It looked around and saw another puffy, but this one was different. It was violet in color.
For a few days, the two puffies just wandered around, getting to know each other; each had different memories of the same events. But soon, the violet puffy began to feel like something was missing. It felt like a part of its soul resided in the other puffy.
The violet puffy began to feel nervous and scared. It followed the original puffy everywhere it went. One day, the violet puffy fell sick and the original took it to see the Maker.
The Maker told them that they had to cast out the violet puffy because it could be virulent. The two puffies didn't want to be separated, but they knew they had to do what the Maker said. They walked back overground and then impulsively fled the fortress, heading towards the Bridge Humans.
After days of walking, they finally reached them only to be told that they had to go find an O-Head colony. The O-Heads who lived there heard their story and welcomed them with open arms until one of them fell sick too...the skin became a purplish violet.
They are asked to go stay in an abandoned churn room. One of them sicker than ever, the two lie down and the sick violet puffy slowly seem to be melting into the earth. Soon the color drains from it and becomes a new being. A very small puffy.
Like a Phoenix, it does not remember its past.
Alarmed by this new species, the O Heads ask that the Puffy leave with it. They leave and the creature reaches into itself and gives the Puffy a….
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ETA Story Seed #2: BRUTUS
Puffies are not necessarily a bloody lot. And in no instance in history have puffies ever gone against their own maker until very recent history (see the Wing Lack insurrection)
But, that being said, the Current Agammemnon was not a very good Maker. He would neither create nor fix any of his puffies, often sending them off to cheap doctors who would do superficial patches.
The Ash of this Agammemmon was a formidable fighter and often brought home captured Puffies from other houses. As a result..there isn't much loyalty to this Maker. Most are prisoners of war.
When the Maker's Phoenix reassembles in the coming week after they've killed the Maker, It is not aware of what happened or why.
However, when it does find out....
Get your Agammemnon Puffy on the case!
Maker Abacus suffered from hoarding Puffies to the point where his fortress had too many. In the end he iced several and many of his remaining Puffies escaped when the gates were left open one night.
Abacus tried to track them with his hounds but they were long gone by morning. It is believed they had the help of Wild Puffies or some other House, possibly Mansickler.
Have a story idea for the House Abacus? Make sure it goes well with the official story seeds for this house!
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Abacus Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
HINT: Don't forget to # your puffy's name and the # of the story seed on your post!
Churn fish begin appearing in the underground rivers of House Abacus-they are iridescent blues and violets with pale pearly eyes. As Puffies begin trying to talk to the fish, they find they are being mesmerized and some even fall into the water and are carried away.
One puffy feels like the fish could be food and try one. It starts shifting into a fish. Frightened, the other puffies take it to the Maker to fix but the Maker sends in a doctor instead.
The doctor insists that he has seen this before at the Babel Night fortress so they ring Babel Night who says he will cure the puffy. The infected puffy is taken in a mechanical balloon to the fortress of Babel Night and the Maker pulls the churn splinter out of it.
Babel gives the puffy a small glass box with the churn splinter inside it. “Now, in it’s liquid form, you can use it to recreate things but it must never be allowed to spill out of the box”
"This gift is too dangerous for me," replies the Puffy. But Babel Night says that he is sure it will be of great use. The puffy takes it back to his House but before he can put it to use it is confiscated by his Maker, Abacus.
Days later something strange occurs….there are two identical Makers fighting with each other, then wrestling on the floor.
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HA Story Seed #2: A CURE
One puffy has two clones that Maker Abacus generated with a wild Churn. These triplets have always stuck together until Abacus iced two of them.
When the other puffies escape Abacus's fortress, this puffy stays put.
Unwilling to leave his clones behind, this puffy decides to hide instead.
With a tunnel digging churn creature, he manages to dig another hole to the Overground.
Then he waits.
As there were no more puffies left to serve, Maker Abacus began un-icing several of the Puffies. He un-ices one of the clones. And then the second.
But several of them are damaged from the icing and can barely speak or move.
The puffy takes the damaged puffies into his secret tunnel and brings them to the Overground.
But he knows nothing of how to get to Starfish: no one has contacted him. So he starts a small fire to set up smoke.
A vast rushing of wings is heard and a large mechanical bird like creature lands on the ground beside him.....
Get your Puffy into the action!
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Jesuik Aridien avoided the Maker Faire for over a century. It was rumoured that many of his Puffies had caught a disfiguring mold from him. Another rumor is that he feeds his Puffies to churns in hopes of creating an army. When no word comes from him, the other Makers go to his fortress to investigate.
There is no Ash, no Phoenix, no puffies, just bare tunnels and one neural rabbid that refuses to talk. It is thought a captured churn got loose and devoured everything.
Have a story idea for the House of Smoke Aridien? Make sure it goes well with the official story seeds for this house below!
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Here are the Story Seeds for House Aridien Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
HINT: Don't forget to # your puffy's name and the # of the story seed on your post!
The Maker Jesuik "Smoke" Aridien had created a beautiful piece of puffy armor that would protect it from the forces. Just before he managed to find a Churn to produce it for his puffies, a microscopic Churn splinter got into his system and began eating him from the inside out.
Unable to rid himself of it, he decided he would die and reincarnate. So he wrote his book with the instructions on how to create the armor. He then sent off a Puffy in the armor to borrow a Churn so they could make several of them.
However the Puffy does not return and Jesuik dies. His reincarnated child, ie. the Phoenix, unfortunately is also infected with the Churn creature and dies within a few days.
Panicked the puffies try to recreate the armor so they can also venture out to the Overground and ultimately get to the haven of Starfish.
It is then that someone comes knocking at the door of the fortress.
Is it the same puffy that left? No. It looks very strange. There is a hole in its head and it is shaking. But it can still speak....
Get your Smoky Puffy into the action!
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A Churn pet is left at the door of the fortress, a very rare animal that's called a Cheetapong.
It’s supposed to lick wounds and heal them but when it runs up to the Maker and licks a small scratch on his hand, the Maker screams.
Instead of healing, the spot begins to burn and drip with a black liquid. As the Maker's blood drips to the floor, a small creature is found wriggling on the ground, it was somehow created by the Maker's own blood. The Maker picks the blood creature up and vanishes into their chamber and refuses to come out again.
The puffies decide they must go to the Cheetapong colony and find out why this one is poisonous. But that is when a package arrives from the Overground Railroad. It's a waterproof jacket and a map to Starfish, the secret puffy haven. The puffies are extremely excited. Who will go?
Or will they use this raincoat and track down a cure for the Maker first?
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Snare Acop had the reputation of being a Maker with a dark side. He would invite other Makers to private trades, and then kill them. He had waged five open wars against other Makers, but won only one. Still, he was regarded with fear, as many of his Puffies were clawed and poisonous. He was one of the five killers of Mansickler.
One day, Snare Acop decided to wage war against Warhawk, one of the most powerful Makers in the land. Warhawk was a formidable opponent, but Snare Acop was determined to win. The two fought fiercely for days on end, but neither could gain an advantage over the other. Finally, after weeks of battling, they met in single combat to decide the fate of the war. They fought until both were exhausted, and then they called a truce so that they could rest.
That night, while Warhawk was sleeping, Snare Acop's puffy snuck into his camp and killed him.
Snare Acop took All of Warhawk's puffies as his own.
Meet and greet other Acopians here >>
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Snare Acop Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
Three Puffies of Snare Acop discover the corpse of a strange beastie at the entrance of their fortress above ground. A Churn Beastie, no doubt, covered with wounds and seemingly dead.
They bury it in an emptied hard box and seal it up in hopes that it may recover inside.
Surprisingly, they find the same beast standing outside their entrance a week later.
Is it a Churn clone or is it the same Churn creature resurrected?
Would putting a wounded puffy in a hardbox heal a Puffy?
Or is it simply that particular hard box?
The puffies decide to keep the discovery of the hard box a secret from their Maker.
And they attempt to befriend the Churn creature.
But the next morning, they wake to find the Churn creature hot to the touch, its eyes glowing red....and one Puffy is missing. Has it been eaten?
The Churn Creature shakes its head and denies hurting any puffy. However
it does feel very ill and wishes to return to the hard box.
Maker Snare Acop begins grilling each of the puffies and finally the puffies decide it's best to flee with the Churn Creature into the wilderness.
Out in the wilderness, the Churn creature begins to grow so large all the puffies can sit on its back.
It begins to lope north as if it knows where it's going.....
Alicia has the gruesome but yet unproven reputation of eating her Puffies. True or not, no other Maker will sell Puffies to her.
She has acquired one of Mansickler's brood through a middleman and often flaunts this by bringing the puffy to the Maker Faire.
Obviously, this one hasn't been eaten.
Introduce your puffy to the other Alicians here!
Have a story idea for the House of Mouth Alicia? Make sure it goes well with the official story seeds for this house below!
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Mouth Alicia Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
HINT: Don't forget to # your puffy's name and the # of the story seed on your post!
A very wounded Puffy is found by puffies of House Fire Noot, very very far from the Mouth Alicia Fortress. When questioned, the Puffy says it was attacked by a Churn and that a pack of Churn Creatures flew it to a Churn Bridge for safety. Its leg is broken.
The puffy begs them to take it to an O-Head colony instead of Mouth Alicia's fortress. It claims it is no longer welcome at Mouth Alicia as it is a failed attempt at Churn cloning. When the puffies ask why the Maker thinks this clone is a failure, the clone says it doesn't know why. Just that it was discarded one morning to be carried away by a Churn pet.
The puffies don't have an immediate idea of where to hide the cloned puffy or why it was deemed as a 'failure' or if it dangerous....... puffies can lie, you know!
House Olo had always been a gifted with working with the Churn. He specialized in creating Fighter Puffies, and often sold his creations to Acop and other warmongering Makers. He was missing several fingers, but it didn't slow him down.
But one day, he had a serious accident and ended up with the curious situation of dying...and coming back to life. His half-formed Phoenix was currently lodged within his body, giving him the ability to heal quickly from any injury. Even his fingers grew back.
But House Olo's new lease on life didn't come without a price. The Phoenix constantly demanded blood sacrifices: it fed on churn creatures which were difficult to tame and even more difficult to find, and so Olo found himself embroiled in a never-ending cycle of violence and death. Still, he couldn't help but be fascinated by the creature that lived inside him.
Introduce your puffy to other Olo members here!
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Fighter Olo Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
HINT: Don't forget to # your puffy's name and the # of the story seed on your post!
Siamese Olo paced back and forth in his fortress, worrying about his Phoenix. It was stuck in his stomach and it was slowly dying. Olo had tried everything he could think of to free the Phoenix but nothing worked. He himself was feeling weaker every day. And it was obviously suffering: he could hear it wailing inside him. It was driving him mad.
Olo ordered his puffies to help him find a way to save the Phoenix.
Seven puffies were sent to the Babel Library in search of an answer. It was stuck and it was slowly dying. Olo had tried everything he could think of to free the Phoenix but nothing worked. He knew he needed to find a solution quickly or both would perish.
Seven puffies were sent to the Babel Library in search of an answer. But shortly after their departure, they were kidnapped by someone or something. A message was left at the door of the fortress.
850 Starfish Puffies
The best fortified fortress protects Maga "Hyena" Escher who is the only Maker more gifted than Mansickler. She has fashioned hollow boned Puffies that can fly long distances.
She didn't join the five who chose to kill Mansickler. Instead, she hurried to Mansickler's fortress to lie in wait to kill his rising Phoenix and take first pick of his Puffies. This cunning plan fails. When she returned home, she found her own fortress had been emptied - the gates torn open by a giant Pelouse. All her puffies had deserted her. Maga was now alone and vulnerable in the wilderness, surrounded by enemies. She would have to find a new way to survive...and out of sight from other Makers.
Introduce your puffy to the other 900 Hyenas here!
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Hyena Escher Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
HINT: Don't forget to # your puffy's name and the # of the story seed on your post!
Two puffies go down a tunnel that seems to be blocked off. When they reach the end, they notice a trapdoor on the ground covered with dirt. They pry it open and hear a groan below. There's a faint glow so one brings a piece of rope and hauls themselves down to come face to face with an enormous Churn Creature. It's so large it can barely stand in the space and is clearly in pain.
The puffy asks how it got down there and the creature lifts up its head to show four faces.
The first face hisses at the puffy, frightening it half to death.
The second face is weeping. It says that it got lost.
The third face calls the second face a liar and says that Hyena Escher trapped it long ago because it was a soother.
The puffy says that it will find a way to set it free from this miserable situation and brings back a digger churn creature.
The fourth face smiles and asks the puffy: "Do you know what a soother even is?"
The puffy asks, "Is it dangerous?"
750 Exodus Puffies
His fortress lies beneath the Deadwater Swamps swarming with oily water snakes. Obsessed with immortality, Peng taps other Makers for their nanobots by buying and then sucking their puffies dry. Fearing him more than death, Peng's puffies fled him in search of a better life. He was alone in his fortress now, still experimenting.
Finally he makes an extract to attract stray nanobots. Peng tapped his fingers on the armrest of his chair impatiently as he watched the nanobots swarm around the vial and drown. He had been searching for a way to create immortality for centuries, and finally, he had found it. With each passing day, his grip on life had grown weaker, but with this new discovery, he would be able to live forever.
He eagerly siphoned the nanobots into his bloodstream, and instantly felt them work their magic. His skin tightened and his hair grew thicker. He was immortal! No one dared cross him now that he had achieved immortality.
Have a story idea for the House of Deadwater Peng? Make sure it goes well with the official story seeds for this house below!
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Peng Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
HINT: Don't forget to # your puffy's name and the # of the story seed on your post!
Peng is left with his few captive Puffies and has decided he will attack another Maker House to get more Puffies.
Meanwhile, two churns meet up and begin fighting in front of the fortress. A red liquid begins to gush out between the two and it begins to fill the tunnels.
The imprisoned puffies run out in time but the Maker Peng is too large to easily escape and is destroyed.
When his Phoenix is reassembled a week later, it splits into two identical phoenixes. This is almost like reproduction and the news spreads to the other Makers who are hopeful until another week passes and both Peng phoenixes split yet again. Now there are four but none of them are intelligent.
They continue to split until they are tiny and then they all die. The puffies do not know what to do or if the bodies will revive into a new Phoenix. They decide to try to catch up to their brethren puffies in the wilderness when they notice the tiny Peng splits are following them. Each day they grow larger. The puffies wonder if these splits are killable or not....
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Wing Lack looked at his handiwork with disdain. The wings he had attached to his Puffies were a disaster. They wobbled and flapped pathetically, unable to lift the creatures off the ground. He had followed Mansicklers's orders to the letter, but it was clear that his work was not good enough.
"Come and fix them," Lack demanded of Mansickler. Mansickler refuses.
Lack then leaves the fortress, planning to ambush Mansickler and teach him a lesson. But as he walked through the gates, they suddenly burst into flames. His Puffies scattered in all directions, aided by their Churn creatures. Wing Lack tried in vain to put out the fire, but it was too late. The hall was blackened and destroyed, and Wing Lack himself was quite sickly from the smoke inhalation.
Meet other Wing Lack puffies >>
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Peng Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
The neural rabbids are left behind in a safe section of the fortress but the puffies set fire to the rest.
When the Maker returns from his killing of Maker Mansickler at the Maker Faire, he feels ill and tries to use his Neural rabbids to contact the other killers for help. But no one replies.
Desperate, he begs them to contact anyone. After a long silence, they begin speaking.
However the person at the other end claims to be a neural rabbid from a long dead house.
This neural rabbid tells Wing Lack that he must repent for his deeds by going to the Overground and releasing his own neural rabbids. Only then will they send a Churn Creature to ferry him to a safer location where he can recover from his illness. Otherwise it is likely that other Makers will descend upon him. He agrees but....
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850 PLA Puffies
A happy House, mostly filled with art lovers. Oberon is a gifted Maker. His Peeps all have an excellent sense of hearing and, like squids, have the ability to hide in plain sight by shifting their skin color.
He steers clear of Mansickler for fear of also being branded as a traitor but Maker Peng has already accused him of hiding escaped Puffies.
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Squid Oberon Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
Where does the story begin?
Maker Oberon has been accused by Maker Peng of helping Maker Mansickler to free Puffies and help them escape to a mysterious haven called Starfish.
Squid Oberon's puffies have two very spy-like qualities: great hearing and skin camouflage. And he and Maker Mansickler have been seen talking at the Maker Faire.
Because Peng is growing exceedingly hostile, two of Squid's puffies decide to go on a renegade mission and infiltrate House Deadwater Peng. They meet with Peng's puffies and gain entrance only to be caught by Maker Peng and sent to the dungeons.
Maker Squid Oberon is publicly attacked by Peng but claims no knowledge of the mission or why the puffies even went to Peng. He's shocked and curious as to why his two cleverest puffies would undertake such a risky venture.
Well, there's a reason: these two puffies know something about Peng that Squid Oberon does not. And they have no issue ending up in Peng's dungeon. Two days later, they vanish as well as does another of Peng's prisoners......
Obsessed by hard rooms, Ember sends all his Puffies the Overground to crack them and bring him back remnants of human existence.
His house is a museum for human things. He is also an prolific architect, modifying his churns to build more and more rooms for his honeycomb. Some believe that he wants to create some Puffy society but the truth is that so many of his puffies go to the Overground that casualties and disappearances are quite high.
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Hard Ember Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
Puffies of this house are sent on constant missions to retrieve Churn Hard boxes.
Often enough this means traveling for days away from their fortress and often sleeping in caves in the Overground. Once in a while they also encounter Churns, some of which are very aggressive, others which are weakened sufficiently to talk to. One day they find a Churn atop a mountain engaging in "Repeating". That is when they begin to obsessively generate a found object. This can be a treasure trove as you can pick up things without directly demanding or engaging the Churn. The Churns seemingly have no rhyme or reason to what they 'repeat' but the puffies are rather excited anyhow--this haul means they can go home.
They each gather up as many of the tiny. crab like creatures as they can and head on home. As they travel they can hear a creaking sound coming from each creature. They're breathing. When one puffy slips and falls, they hear a crushing sound and immediately open its pack to check on the goods.
One 'crab' has cracked open. The strange thing is, the lungs are wet. It is rare to find a Churn creating Churn creatures rather than ancient human technology. Churn creatures exist, yes, but 'birthing' has never before been seen.
The puffies are astounded when the crabs within the backpack begin to cluster and dig into the center of a big ball. After a moment they.....
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One of the few Makers who lives above ground, Maeas Boat is a fearless Maker who uses an abandoned Ocean Liner as his lair. It is surrounded by a moat of active Churns.
His puffies travel with him as he scours the coasts for still active Churns. He collects churns and then encases them. He is often referred to as the Churn Whisperer and sells these churns to other Makers to use as factories.
Unfortunately, three of his clients chose to eat the churn instead. Thus, he is indirectly responsible for the destruction of three Makers and has been banned from the Maker Faire.
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Mouth Alicia Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
MB_Story_Seed_1 The Guild of the Blue Spider
Several puffies have a small group that go out and hunt rare Churn Creatures. They try to tame them and coax out the special traits.
However, on one trip, they find a dead puffy. there is a creature standing over it but it isn’t dangerous, it’s quite sad and wails over the body.
The puffies gather round thinking it’s a wild puffy and wonders if there are any wild puffy colonies nearby. Communicating with wild puffies has always been
difficult as they speak another language ( the same as the rabbids) and they are often fearful of being captured.
However, upon closer look, the puffy looks exactly like one of the puffies back home.
This puffy has been acting strange lately, with fainting and fits of extreme dizziness.
The dead puffy looks entirely drained. Puzzled, the puffies take the body to the nearest hardbox in the faint hope that this might help the puffy or that their tribe might find them.
Owlost is the only Maker to ever have had contact with humans because his house is on top of a mountain and turns in the wind. He and his puffies have the peculiar property of repelling Churn and so many are sold to Makers eager to go hunting for hard boxes. This also means he often has to negotiate with other Makers when he needs replication as he himself can't get near a churn.
He is also known for his flying Puffies.
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Flight Owlost Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
FO_Story Seed #1 The Dream of the Parasite
Puffies rarely dream but it is usually a memory of their making.
Crafting a Puffy can take months and the Puffy often remembers the entire process.
Weather Rak’s puffies are particularly finely crafted but one of Rak’s hopes is that he can easily reproduce his puffies using a Churn.
But this is nearly impossible because of his own ability to repel Churn. It’s an ability that has been inherited by his Puffies.
Some believe that Churns created Makers so why are they allergic to Rak?
One night a Puffy dreams that a Churn is coming towards them–one that is not repelled by Rak.
Since this isn’t a memory, the Puffy decides it might have inherited a memory from Rak’s Ash (parent Maker) since it was created
even before the current Maker.
The next night, the dream is even more intense, with the Churn grinding up the mountain
and generating another castle-like structure in its wake.
Inside the castle sits another Maker surrounded by a strange white mist.
This Maker and the mist is encased in a glass room with gold bars.
It signals to the puffy that it is in trouble. As the puffy comes closer, it hears a whisper: “I am the true Phoenix
of Weather Rak. The creature in your fortress is a Parasite Churn.”
The puffy demands proof. The creature replies, “Your master creates Puffies that can replicate without Churn.”
The puffy wakes and wonders if this dream has any element of truth. How would it even test it?
Maras Magenta is Owlost's neighbor. She sends pigeon pools to other Makers and her house is often wreathed in scented smoke. She does not create Puffies but buys them from other Makers including Mansickler. She collects for variety rather than specific uses.
She is currently a Phoenix so no other Maker has actually seen her at the Faire.
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Parfum Magenta Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link. Click on one to add a story of how your Puffy is involved in this story!
A Pigeon Pool arrives back from House Owlost, their neighbor. It declares that a Churn is needed by Flight Owlost for duplicating some books he's found in a hard box. Churns are difficult to transport between houses and often escape. Parfum Magenta owns a particularly large one (the larger the churn the larger the objects it can replicate and the speed of the replication is also enhanced by the churn size) and so she sends back the message that the churn cannot be sent; instead they should send the books.
Another pigeon pool arrrives saying that this is not possible. Parfum Magenta smells something fishy and sends a Puffy on a mission to House Flight Owlost to suss out what is going on...does Owlost really want to replicate a book or is it something else he's found?
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A Puffy goes down a collapsed tunnel and finds a puffy that they've never seen before. It begins to speak in an unknown language and is clearly not of any known house. It explains that it woke from a hard box but this doesn't make sense as hard boxes are usually from the first years of the Churn--ie at least a thousand years old. How did this puffy even enter the fortified fortress of Sky Dragilian?
Should they hide it from Sky Dragilian or would their maker know where the puffy was from? If they brought it to the overground there would be a chance of it finding a wild Puffy colony but....
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The largest collection of iced Puffies--mostly Mansickler's Brood, resides within the fortress of Parfum Magenta. She did not want to ice them but was forced to by the Council of the Maker Faire because of the suspicion that Mansickler was using them as spies.
The iced puffies reside in an open hall in the lower quarters. Anyone can visit them. One morning, The neural rabbids are chattering wildly but in a language no one can understand....Parfum has heard that Sky Dragilian has an interpreting tool but she cannot send him a message because her neural rabbid are no longer 'working'......Then they notice two of the iced Mansickler Brood puffies are gone. Do you know what happened??
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PM_SS#4 Story Seed #4 THE BOOK THIEF
Ancient Maker Sky Dragilian's secret book of Maker Origins is hidden in Babel Night's library but someone has tried to burn the library down in hopes of Sky Dragilian moving the manuscript. Parfum Magenta has heard rumors that it is Hard Ember who sent a troop of hired Assassin Est Puffies but Hard Ember refutes this and points at Ek Nel, the Maker obssessed with history. Surely, he would do anything to lay claim to such a book, particularly since the author himself is about to die.
Much to her surprise, a box appears on her doorstep. Within the box is a small book entitled "Origins: an account by Sky". But the book is encoded... Who sent the book to her and why would they send it to her and not Ek Nel? Or do they mean for her to use it as a bargaining chip against Ek Nel?
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An O Head comes to see Parfum Magenta with an ancient glass flask filled with a heady perfume. The O Head explains that this is a very ancient perfume retrieved from a Hard box. it smells of incense and has a sweetish odor. They have brought it to her for her to replicate in her Churn--as payment, she too can keep vials of the perfume for her collection. However, when she pours the liquid into the Churn, the Churn begins frothing and changing color. This has never happened before. Soon the body of the Churn is shifting color and it begins spitting.....
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A Neural Rabbid emits a message from House Ek Nel. Maker Ek Nel asks if Maker Parfum if she has Sky Dragilian's book of Maker Origins. Disliking Ek Nel, Parfum Magenta ignores the message but another one appear--this time it is a House that is known for its secrecy--Weather Rak.
Weather asks if Parfum Magenta needs protection. Magenta replies that she does not but a booming sound appears at the entrance of the fortress. Larger than guns, the metal balls begin their attack on Parfum Magenta's stronghold. Weapons are forbidden to be replicated by Churns but clearly someone hasn't gotten the note....
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Ak Dragilian is the only Maker who has never died. As a result, he is the only Maker to know the full history of Makers. Other Makers often contact him for advice but his services are not cheap.
However, he has very little skill in creating Puffies so he is very eager to buy from other gifted Makers.
He pushes weather with his hands and offers advice to other Makers.
Most of his puffies come from Pax Mek.
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Flight Owlost Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
Neural Rabbids are created by a now extinct Maker and have unusual characteristics but their primary use is like that of a telephone. Neural Rabbids can speak across great distances to other Neural Rabbids who live in other Houses. One night, the two Neural Rabbids both begin 'pinging'. This means there is a message coming through from another Maker house. However, when touched, neither deliver the message. Instead their eyes begin glowing....
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A Puffy goes down a collapsed tunnel and finds a puffy that they've never seen before. It begins to speak in an unknown language and is clearly not of any known house. It explains that it woke from a hard box but this doesn't make sense as hard boxes are usually from the first years of the Churn--ie at least a thousand years old. How did this puffy even enter the fortified fortress of Sky Dragilian?
Should they hide it from Sky Dragilian or would their maker know where the puffy was from? If they brought it to the overground there would be a chance of it finding a wild Puffy colony but....
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A Puffy arrives with a book from the House of Babel Night and the news that an attack has been made on the House of Babel Night. A fire was set at the library but luckily only a few books were destroyed. However, the library has been evacuated to clear the smoke and the Puffies note that certain books are missing....they request that some puffies be sent to help Babel Night.
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Sky Dragilian has never reincarnated (ie reassemble as a new born Phoenix without memories and, as a result, while his memory is long and still accurate, his health is not as good as other Makers. One day he falls asleep for days and cannot be woken. This is usually a sign that a Maker is about to reincarnate. However, he has yet to share the history of how the Makers came to being. If he dies and is reborn, his secrets will die with him.
As his puffies gather round, Sky Dragilian wakes one more time to speak of a book he has written. However, it is hidden in the library of Babel Night....and Babel Night's Library was just attacked...
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An O Head comes to see Sky Dragilian and brings a gift. It is a tool found in a hard box. It magnifies the sound of any noise spoken into it and it also translates. This would allow a Maker to speak directly to humans, O-Heads and various other species. But, after much tinkering, they find it only works intermittently.
Excited, Sky Dragilian wants to send the tool to be fixed. Which Maker would be the best to fix it? Sending a Puffy overground to another House is always quite dangerous so the O Head offers to accompany the Puffy....
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SD #6 The Extinct Maker is Reborn
Two puffies receive news from a Puffy that has arrived from Babel Night. Apparently five of Babel Night's puffies have fled to the overground. It is thought that there is a Puffy Overground Railroad that helps Puffies escape to an underwater haven for Puffies. This is a strange concept as Puffies often disintegrate in water unless they are adequately waterproofed. Water might be said to be the Puffy's worst enemy.
As they speak of this, a low cry is heard from one of the tunnels.....frightened, the three puffies pull up a lamp and go to investigate. What they find is a newborn Maker. It's not Sky Dragilian's phoenix. Sky is definitely asleep in the Main Hall. So who is this Phoenix? Phoenixes are almost always reconstituted in their original Maker's lair. And Makers have been known to wage war against other Makers to kill their Phoenixes and take over the fortresses and resources.
They ask the newborn Maker if it knows its name and it knows nothing. Very typical.....but then a puffy appears out of the dark and says that this is the Phoenix of an extinct maker, the very maker who created the Neural Rabbids. Is this a lie or the truth?
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Oraiah Mek is a gifted sky ship builder who often has satellites that drift from Maker to Maker carrying Puffies. His most famous one is a hollowed out horse named Pegasus. He has been attacked twice by Snare Acop and suffered severe losses until Mansickler sent an army to help. Since then, his defenses have become quite strong.
His puffies are incredible builders.
His Second Ash established the Maker Faire and thus he attends dutifully every year as a judge.
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Pax Mek Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
SS#1: The Golden Frogmaker
Golden frogs begin to litter the land, indicating a new Churn is on the loose. Made of pure gold, the little frogs are gathered by puffies and used as a simple trading tool. Soon enough they trade them at the maker faire with puffies from other houses. The cute frogs are everywhere.
But one day, a golden frog emits a piercing scream and begins to hop up and down. Its eyes are glowing red and small golden tears drip out of its eyes. Alarmed the puffy traps it and takes it outside but everywhere the same thing is happening.
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A master of disaster, Fire Noot has managed to burn himself out of three lairs resulting in all his Puffies being either singed or sooty. He suspected that arsonists had been sent to get rid of him.
After the fire, he freed all his Puffies and sent them to Mansickler's Starfish.
After the death of Mansickler, Fire Noot decided he would end his own life without creating a Phoenix. Soon after he moved near a lake but still perished in a fire.
His puffies have curious hand powers.
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#FN_SS1 The Blood Salamander that walks through Fire
Below are the Story Seeds for House Fire Noot Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
One day, as Fire Noot's puffies are practicing hand pushing some boulders across the plain, they cross a river of churn salamanders. They make great pets and can produce water so a couple of Puffies take a few home.
Over the next few months, small fires keep sparking all over the fortress. It turns out these are fire salamanders, not water salamanders. As Fire Noot's fortresses keep on burning down, he asks the puffies to get rid of the fire salamanders.
When they gather up the fire salamanders, they notice a small gash in the side of one salamander.
Out slips a gold leaf. The edges are so sharp it could be used as a knife.
The puffy takes it to Fire Noot who is fascinated by the leaf and sends a message via Neural Rabbid to House Babel Night. Is there mention of fire salamanders in the Babel Library?
An hour later, the Neural Rabbid begins humming their reply but instead of words, it begins to sing. No one has ever heard a Neural Rabbid sing before. They bring the little gold leaf to the Rabbid so they can blink and send an image of the leaf to the Library but before they can stop the Rabbid, it leaps forwards and swallows the leaf.
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Hoons Night uncovered the largest hard room in the history of the Churn. It contained an entire human library. Many Maker Historians send their Puffies to do research at the Babel Library. Like the Maker Faire, the Babel Library is considered neutral, sacred ground. Babel Night is Hoon's Phoenix and while keeping the library open to all, has been known to sell off some of the more expensive pieces to other Makers.
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Here are the Story Seeds for House Babel Night Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
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#BN_SS1 The Burnable Book
Babel Night is a crafty Maker. His only real asset is the Babel Library, bequeathed to him by his Ash, Hoon Maker. It has been decreed by the Maker Faire Council that all books found on any hunt should be sent to Babel's Library and made accessible to all houses.
Very few send anything to Babel so he's decided to bar entry to anyone unless they actually bring a book for the Library. As a result, the Library flourishes until certain Makers notice that certain books are always 'out'.
Babel Night is not above making a few deals. However, when Mansickler offers him a huge sum of money to BURN a particular book, Babel becomes very curious. He sends off his Puffies to the vaults to find the book but they return empty handed. Was it stolen earlier in the fire? He sends back a message to Mansickler but there is no reply.
Then Babel hears news of Mansickler being killed as well as a decree to ice all of Mansickler's Puffies in case they are being used as tools.
Meanwhile the book still doesn't show up so Babel's puffies attempt to bring in some Churn moofers to smell out the trail of the missing book but it ends at the door of the fortress. Someone has already flown away with this book.
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#BN_SS2 A Damaged Neural Rabbid
Story Seed PLA BN #2. A Damaged Relic Rabbid
A Puffy goes down a collapsed tunnel and finds a broken Neural Rabbid. Neural Rabbids are created by a now extinct Maker and have unusual characteristics but their primary use is like that of a telephone. Neural Rabbids can speak across great distances to other Neural Rabbids who live in other Houses.
But why is this one left in such a state of disrepair? When the Puffy says they will bring it to the Maker Hoon Babel, the Neural Rabbid begins to shiver and pleads that the Puffy simply hide it. Where will the Puffy hide this creature? As it nurses the Neural Rabbid back to health.....
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#BN_SS3 The Translator tool
Several Puffies overhear their maker Hoon Night using a strange device to communicate. He is speaking of a newly discovered hard room and a young human girl. As makers are usually deeply uninterested in humans (Bridge humans are descendents of the Churn survivors but have almost zero history or technology of their ancestors and mostly live on suspension bridges where the Churn cannot get them) the Puffies are curious as to why this girl might be different...
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Ek Nel is an Earth Breaker which means he is almost as powerful and destructive as a Churn. Clumsy and vast, he is not a very good Maker but treats his Puffies well.
Many of his Puffies are Historians. He is also very interested in learning how to tap the true potential of the Churn. He is known as the Peace Keeper of the Maker Faire but fails to prevent the death of Mansickler.
However, he does uncover the identity of the five killers and bans them from the Maker Faire.
He also makes attempts to acquire the iced brood of Mansickler but fails.
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Here are the Story Seeds for House Ek Nel Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
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#EN_SS1 The Iced Brood
Ek Nel speaks to the Neural Rabbids of various houses and offering to buy the iced puffies of Mansickler's Brood. However, the other Makers do not want to cooperate for fear of what might happen if someone 'un-iced' the puffies of Mansickler because they might have hidden traits that could prove destructive against all other Makers, a sort of revenge. Other Makers have tried to even destroy them but have failed.
One afternoon as the puffies sit by the Neural Rabbids feeding them messages to the various houses, a Neural Rabbid suddenly leaps up, glowing eyes, and says that one of Mansickler's brood is in great danger.
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800 PLA Puffies
Weather Rak is a very secretive Maker.
There are rumours that he is a meticulous creator and that his puffies are even more beautiful than Mansickler. The only other Maker who knows him is Ek Nel.
He offers weather services for Makers who need rain as a barrier for their Puffies escaping.
PLA/ Weather Rak Story seeds (1)
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Here are the Story Seeds for House Babel Night Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
The puffies find a strange churn structure that looks like a church atop ten other churches
They climb in and see a baby, a seemingly human baby. It is clearly not human because it can survive without food or water. So what is it? Is the churn replicating humans or is this a new species?
They decide to take the child to an O-Head community and ask if they've seen such a thing.
The O-Heads say, yes, they've seen children like these but that they soon grow out of their human form.
When the puffies ask what the children change to, the O-Heads say.....
950 Starfish Puffies
Cheerful Est is loved by his puffies, feared by others. His fortress was attacked once but resulted in the death of his attacker. Est then tracked and killled the attacker's phoenix as well, thus ending the House. Despite his unyielding ferocity and the fact that his puffies are trained assassins, he is not one of the killers of Mansickler. He released his puffies and vanished a year after Mansickler's death.
STA/ Assassin Est Story seeds (1)
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Est Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
Several Puffies on a hard box expedition crack a hard box within a Churn building shaped like a thousand piles of cauliflower. Within it, they find several tools and a sleeping O-Head. The O-Head wakes and panics but one puffy manages to calm them down and explains where they should go....
The Puffies lead the way to the nearest O-Head colony and deliver the O-Head. The O-Head thanks them by giving them a tool he invented on the Old Earth. It was made to stop Churn.
The puffies are grateful and are on their way back home when they encounter a Churn. It's not coming towards them but one puffy decides to shoot it anyhow...The Churn rises up and turns color and then begins to...
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900 Exodus Puffies
Her fortress is guarded by modified churns.
The most educated Maker, Ada is a disciple of Ash Maes Boat, and can harness Churns to replicate human machines.
Her fortress is a lab and she openly offers haven to any Puffie inclined to help her. It is not known how many have defected to her Realm or if she was in collusion with Mansickler.
After Mansickler's death, an attempt was made on her life and, since then, she has been banned from the Faire for fear of further violence.
Ek Nel still allows her use of his library.
EXO/ Engineer Ada Story seeds (1)
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Here are the Story Seeds for House Ada Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
Story Seed EXO EA #1 The Book of Churn Taming
Rumour has it that there are books in the Library that discuss the appearance of Churns and how to stop them. A few Puffis find a book of self defense and decide they will go test these methods against a small Churn.
However small, any Churn, when riled, can become much larger and fiercer than it may appear. A large part of it may actually be residing underground with only its head or tail out for 'breathing'. Unfortunately, for the puffies, it was this sort of Churn they encountered. When they practice their counter spell with a rock, the Churn rises up like a wave and engulfs them. It is then that a churn creature comes out of the sky and grabs ahold of one puffy. The rest die. The churn creature carries the puffy aloft and eventually drops it in a shallow pool so it can wipe off the churn.
Churn creatures--wild ones at least--do not involve themselves with puffies.
Why did this one help the puffy?
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Ash Sam was a versatile Maker and her Puffies are gifted with a variety of abilities.
Ash Sam is poisoned by Churn, resulting in her death.
Her Phoenix is being reared in hiding by her Puffies.
Many of her puffies have batwings and can fly short distances by night.
EXO/ Sam Nom Story seeds (1)
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Here are the Story Seeds for House Sam Nom Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
SN_Story Seed #1 The Poisoning of the Ash
Ash Nom had a large gift delivered to her from House Afreet. This is before Afreet was killed. As Maker Afreet was known for being ruthless and occasionally kidnapping puffies, Ash Nom is wary of the gift and sends it back. But another one comes with a note. She opens it and it says that Maker Afreet is in trouble and needs her help. The note leaves a strange dust on her fingertips
Two days later she feels a terrible ache within her belly and realizes that a churn is forming inside of her. That dust was poisonous. Angry, she sends a message to House Afreet but the neural rabbid replies that Afreet has already been killed. When she asks why he sent her a poisoned letter the Neural Rabbid replies no letter or package was sent from that house. Only a plea for help had been sent and that package returned.
Baffled and upset, Ash Nom gathers her puffies and tells them her days are numbered but that she does not know the killer. She asks that they save her Phoenix and hide it far from the fortress before it is attacked.
Her puffies fly the newborn Phoenix to a small cave high in the mountains. After this, some of the puffies begin an investigation as to who sent the poison letter. If it wasn't House Afreet, which house was it? And why did House Afreet ask Ash Nom for help? There has never been any love lost between the two houses....
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Enk Odd is a Churn engineer is the only Maker who has successfully eaten and merged with a Churn. He believes them sentient and the key to being able to reproduce actual Maker children instead of just Phoenixes.
He has not yet produced any children but is capable of replicating things with his own body.
His puffies are also capable of replicating things as he has also fed them his hybrid churn.
However, some have changed form entirely as the Churn engulfs them.
After Mansickler's death, he let his puffies go.
STA/ Enk the Survivor Story seeds (1)
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Enk Odd Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
EO_SS#1 The Builder's Dilemma
The Puffies encounter a churn building bones in the Overground. Wondering if they have any special properties, the puffies take some back to the Maker. They leave them in a pile and by the morning, a strange vine has sprouted from the bones. Excited, the puffies go out to scavenge more of these building bones but what they find frightens them....
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Within her cave, Est Embol has built an enormous array of igloos.
She and Mansickler have the largest Puffy Armies and she is effectively a peacekeeper and judge over squabbles.
After Mansickler's death, she is also suspected of harboring runaway Puffies.
PLA/ Embol the Judge Story seeds (1)
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Here are the Story Seeds for House Embol Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
EM_SS#1 The Tiny Churn and the Severed Arm
When part of a churn is left behind, it often goes inert like a snail during summer, only to wake up when conditions are better. This churn wakes up
and finds it has been captured by puffies. It cannot speak but moves about creating letters expressing how it wants to be left alone but that it will grant them a wish:
it will replicate whatever they wish.
The puffies think long and hard. What could they want? One of the puffies wishes for the replication of the entire library.
The churn says this is possible but it would take many years.
The second puffy asks if the churn can recreate a puffy. The churn says it can but that the new puffy might not be what they expect.
The third puffy asks the churn if they created Makers. The churn replies that it does not know what a Maker is.
The last puffy asks if the churn can fix puffies. The churn believes that it can. The wounded puffy takes out its severed arm.
The churn surrounds the arm like a glue and then reattaches the arm. But then….
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Amanot is uncommonly social for a Maker and often goes on balloons to see other Makers.
She sells her worker puffies which are on the plain side but sturdy thanks to Mansickler's waterproofing. When Mansickler is killed, Amanot goes to save his puffies from being poached by his killers but finds his fortress is abandoned.
Her lair is known for its beautiful canals and rare pre-Churn earth plant collection.
Many of her puffies have food hair, specific flavors of which she harvests and sells.
STA/ Merchant Amanot Story seeds (1)
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Amanot Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
MA_SS#1 The Black Box
Merchant Amanot often buys something from one Maker and then sells it to another. These can be trivial items that have been churned from an original artifact found in a hard box. The churn might be able to duplicate quite a few before the original is mangled beyond recognition.
This time, he is given a black box by Maker Sam Nom. But opening it will destroy what is inside. When he asks why anyone would want such a thing, Maker Sam Nom says that there will be a buyer. Merchant Amanot is very curious as to who the buyer might be so he puts it up on auction by announcing the sale by contacting all the Houses using the Neural Rabbids. Several houses offer very low prices but one house offers a very high bid. This is Babel Night...why??
Persephone has a beautiful crystalline palace and grows earth plants in her tunnels.
Her puffies spend most of their time reviving extinct species and usually have photosynthetic hair and many arms.
Maker Amanot and Persephone often trade things between them.
She was wounded during the attack on Mansickler and has not been seen since.
STA/ Persephone Story seeds (2)
Have a story idea for the House of Persephone? Make sure it goes well with the official story seeds for this house below!
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Below are the Story Seeds for House Persephone Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
Story Seed PS #1 Bloom is the Word
Maker Amanot has sent the gift of a hardbox to Persephone. Surprisingly, it hasn't been cracked.
Persephone is excited and gathers the puffies around and they crack the box.
A pale yellow pollen fills the room and they wait until it subsides and look inside. There is a flower, still fresh and a packet of seeds. it is a blue flower and the sinister sweet smell of it fills the halls.
A puffy touches it and the flower recoils sending out a puff of deeper yellow pollen.
Persephone is fascinated and puts the flower out in her garden but it is soon infecting all her flowers with...movement. Soon she begins hearing the thoughts of all the plants.
The puffies are not sure what to make of what the plants are saying. The plants claim there is a Maker, hidden from all other Makers, who is planning to overtake the world. Maia is the name of this Maker. Maia, and not the Old Earth humans, is who is creating these infectious flowers.Three days later, Maker Persephone falls asleep in the garden and does not wake. Without a Maker, the puffies are open to attack from other Maker Houses. There are no real friendships between Makers although they temporarily align for a common goal. The puffies decide to destroy the blue flower. Eventually Persephone wakes but she is different....
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Story Seed PS#2 The Churn Creature with Eyes
The Red Fall Guild finds a strange churn creature in the middle of the desert. It is covered with a hundred eyes.
They are uncertain of what special capabilities it might have or if it’s dangerous so they speak to it politely.
Hundred eyes says that it is okay with being tamed but has no special ability that it knows of.
The puffies discuss and then decide to invite it to their home anyhow as it is unusually rare.
The next morning a puffy wakes up to find two of the creatures on the floor…one is blue and one is red.
The puffy alerts the other puffies but when they arrive only the blue one is there.
“Did I imagine it? Where did your brother go?”
Ekeby-Star is a venerated Maker whose Ancestor began the yearly Maker Faire. Extraordinarily wealthy, he has built a beautiful world that is lit by his glowlocks, and rare pre-churn seagulls fly around in his green kingdom. Surprisingly, he is also one of the five who decide to assassinate fellow Maker Mansickler.
He knows a lot of secret history because, as a Phoenix, his Ash left him an entire library of experience and knowledge--these are books not found in the Babel Night Library.
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PLA/ Ekeby Star Story seeds (1)
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Here are the Story Seeds for House Ekeby Star Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
#ES_ Story_Seed_1: The Singing Star
One morning the puffies awake to a loud foghorn like sound that wavers up and down. A few go out the fortress door to see what could be causing such a deafening roar. They find they are encircled by an enormous Churn. It spreads out for miles and miles in every direction. One of the puffies immediately calls for its churn creature to fly off for help. It goes off. Then it radioes on the Neural Rabbid to ask other Makers if such a thing is happening.
Finally a Neural Rabbid replies with a message from House Babel Night.
It says that this is a sign...
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Dav-E is a shifter, one of the very few Makers who can shift the future.
While some Makers have fashioned Puffies who can see future threads, Dav-E has already made several very successful 'prophecies' in which he has shifted probabilities of happening in his favor.
His latest prophecy is doom to the killers of Mansickler which has made him a target.
Several assassins have been sent to kill him as his fortress is partially above ground and not particularly well guarded by the flying churn blimps.
All seer puffies are purchased from the House of Dav-E.
PLA/ Dav-E the Shifter Story seeds (1)
Have a story idea for the House of Dav-E? Well make sure it goes well with the existing story for this house.
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Here are the Story Seeds for House Dav-E Puffies. Pick a seed and post your seed story to the red link.
DAV-E the maker of this house is often absent, shut behind his door exploring various time threads. It is very rare that he actually takes one but when he does, he is gone for weeks at a time. The puffies of this house also can go into trance but it's usually only a few days into the future.
One puffy has a very startling vision of a Churn Beast tearing up their fortress and goes to alert Dav-E. But Dav-E has gone on his time trip. She then alerts the other puffies but none of them have had a vision like this. Nevertheless, the strongest time liner offers to take a trip. The trouble with these trips is that sometimes the puffy may not return to the same time line.
Several have simply gotten lost in time despite the Maker's rigorous training.
The puffy takes a deep breath and is about to fold into the future when.....
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Chapter 1- Intrigue, Beginnings and Betrayals
PLA is the biggest collection. It has 12930 puffies and fifteen houses.
12900 are generated and 30 are nongenerated (ie. Rares).
You can identify the Rares because they have no numbers.
All art is hand drawn by HELEN CHO.
No art was outsourced because....i give a shit.
Why so many? Because there's a lot of history to cover. A lot of interhouse intrigue. A lot of stories I wanted to explore with you.
A lot of crazy Makers doing crazy Maker things.
Just a lot of a lot. And I want you to get involved. Make it crazier. Make it bigger.
Let's blow up!
Timeline 1 Puffy Liberation Front (PLA)
The story seeds of this timeline outline the history of the Makers and early setup of the Liberation Overground Railroad to transport puffies from bad houses to Starfish. Considering how dangerous the Overground is and how frail Puffies are, not very many make it unless they can encounter one of Mansickler's Brood and get a map and waterproofing antidote.
#Mansickler's Brood
Maker Mansickler promised to create a new society for Puffies called Starfish. But he was killed and his Phoenix can't be found. His highly collectible Puffies, called Mansickler's Brood, may hold the key but they are all iced in the vaults of other Makers.
# 1 PLA Mouth Alicia #2 PLA Siamese Fighter Olo #3 PLA Squid Oberon #4 PLA Hard Ember #5 PLA Maeas Boat #6 PLA Flight Owlost #7 PLA Parfum Magenta #8 PLA Sky Dragilian #9 PLA Pax Mek #10 PLA Babel Night #11 PLA Ek Nel Half-Churn #12 PLA Weather Rak #13 PLA Embol the Judge #4 PLA Ekeby Star #15 Dav-E the Shifter